Margot Young
Licensed Davis Dyslexia Correction Facilitator, Licensed Davis Autism Facilitator and Coach.
I am dyslexic and dyspraxic, married to a dyslexic and the mother of 2 dyslexic teenage sons.
I have a degree in Accounting and worked in this area until I became licensed to provide Davis programmes. Despite a successful career in business management, I was more motivated to find a solution to my younger son’s learning problems and was frustrated by the lack of information available.
I came across the Davis methods in 2003 while researching solutions for my younger son. I found Ron Davis’s book “The Gift of Dyslexia” a refreshingly positive outlook on dyslexia which I could understand how it worked. This is because Ron thinks the same way that my sons and I think – primarily with pictures. The Davis Dyslexia Correction programme offered real and permanent solutions to my son’s problem. Seeing the changes that Davis programmes have brought to both my sons’ lives inspired me to work to be able to offer this gift to others. While working with many dyslexics, I was intrigued by several who were just that bit different again. The Davis Autism Approach was the solution to unlocking their potential.
As part of the training, I have explored all the life concepts in the same sequence as the Davis Autism programme. This has made an amazing difference to my life and how I perceive others. In the past I thought a lot of things were out of my control but now I see how I influence my surroundings and cause my experiences in life. I am permanently much calmer now as the Davis tools have become inherent and upgraded my operating system!
My Davis journey has been full of discoveries and self-fulfillment. Becoming a licensed Davis Autism Facilitator was the realisation of a 3-year dream. I have been blessed to work with many talented children and adults doing one of the most rewarding jobs ever.
I have a passion for accepting diversity in all of society. I am committed to providing a professional, confidential and respectful environment for my clients where they are able to discover, celebrate and nurture their special talents.
I look forward to meeting you soon.
Licensed and certified
by Davis Dyslexia
Association International
Professional services described as Davis™, Davis Dyslexia Correction®, Davis Symbol Mastery™, Davis Orientation Counselling™, Davis Math Mastery™, Davis Attention Mastery™, Dyslexia the Gift™ and Gift of Dyslexia™ may only be provided by persons who are employed by a licensed Davis Specialist, or who are trained and licensed as Davis Facilitators by Davis Dyslexia Association International.
Davis Autism Approach® is a trademark of Ronald D. Davis. Commercial use of this trademark to identify educational, instructional, or therapeutic services requires licensing by the trademark owner. For more information go to Davis Autism International.